Travel Safely amidst Lockdown

and experience a mesmerizing desert safari

Embark on an enchanting trip into the Thar Desert without worrying much about the safety and hygiene as we will be following all safety measures as directed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Indian Government.

We understand the threat coronavirus carries and hence we care for you as well as your loved ones, as much as we care for our family. So, in order to offer you an uncompromised experience, we are following various safety measures like:

  • We will properly sanitize the jeep / car in which you’ll be traveling.
  • The entire staff will wear masks, use sanitizers and follow social distancing norms.
  • The sheets used on the camel will be properly washed and changed after every ride.
  • We’ll follow all hygiene procedures while cooking like washing hands properly with soap & water and using face masks through out the cooking & serving process.
  • It is mandatory to have a temperature check before starting the safari for everyone including the staff.
  • It is equally mandatory for everyone to wear masks throughout the safari.
  • We encourage the use of hand sanitizer and it will be available throughout the safari.
  • We respect social distancing and expect you also to respect the same.
  • You will not be sharing or staying with anyone else apart from your friends / partners.
  • In case any person develops symptoms, we’ll take the entire group to the nearest medical facility for further screening and tests to ensure the safety of everyone.

Travel Safe & Book Your Safari